Normally you think of protection from ultraviolet skin aging as something that must take place from outside your body, by blocking out solar radiation. But new research reveals that internal factors are just as critical for optimal skin protection.
Clinical research shows that upon ingestion, safe and readily-metabolized plant extracts furnish your skin with extraordinary protection from photoaging.1 They slow the absorption of harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays and blunt potentially cancer-causing DNA damage inflicted by sun-generated free radicals.2,3
Much has been written about how the sun’s burning ultraviolet rays harm our health and appearance. Yet despite the warnings, more than two million4 people in the US will be diagnosed with skin cancer this year alone. Rates of melanoma—the most dangerous form of skin cancer—have not only doubled over the past 10-20 years, but continue to rise 3% to 7% annually.5
In one study, novel plant extracts demonstrated an impressive 54% reduction in activity of collagen-degrading enzymes and an 86% inhibition of enzymes that break down hyaluronic acid—your skin’s natural moisturizer!6
In this article, you will learn of the mechanisms by which certain phytonutrients can significantly offset the ravages of excessive UV exposure that lead to premature skin aging.
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