According to the Council for Responsible Nutrition’s (CRN) Economic Impact Report, more than 750,000 Americans are employed by the dietary supplement industry in the United States. The industry is an eclectic bunch, spanning all age groups and backgrounds, specializations and skill sets, but one common trait exists: a desire to make an appreciable difference in people’s lives.
The hard work is paying off. Data from Nutrition Business Journal (NBJ) show the industry grew by 77 percent between 2005 and 2015—and it’s still growing! Thanks to industry’s commitment to product integrity, sound science and consumer safety, dietary supplements have become an integral part of health and wellness regimens across the nation, and the demand for more product and next-level innovation means the industry’s workforce is expanding.
For those who may have just entered the space, whether new to the workforce or a seasoned executive joining from a different industry, there’s a lot to learn about dietary supplements.To all the fresh faces feeling overwhelmed, a few things to know:
Dietary supplements are regulated. In 1994, Congress passed the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA)—a law Steve Mister, president and CEO, CRN, once called “industry’s permission slip to exist.” DSHEA reaffirmed that supplements are regulated as a category of food—not drugs—and provided FDA with regulatory authority over the industry. With DSHEA serving as the law of the land, extensive regulations cover all facets of dietary supplement manufacturing, labeling and marketing.
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