Origin: Edible fruit of the Amla (Phyllanthus emblica) tree
Also Known As:
Indian gooseberry
Phyllanthus emblica
Emblic myrobalan
Malacca Tree
Overview: Amla is the edible fruit of the Amla (Phyllanthus emblica) tree and is considered a powerful antioxidant. It is known for its high ascorbic acid content. It is also such in ellagitannins such as such as emblicanin A (37%), emblicanin B (33%), punigluconin (12%), and pedunculagin (14%).[10] Amla also contains punicafolin and phyllanemblinin A, phyllanemblin other polyphenols, such as flavonoids, kaempferol, ellagic acid, and gallic acid.
Common Dosage: Currently there is no standard dosing for Amla fruit.